This is the fourth post in this series, the first is here, second is here, third is here.
It’s Monday today. I wrote the last post when I was at work today. As I write this it’s 9:30 at night, which is my bedtime, but I’ve spent the last 30 minutes scrolling through Facebook, so here we are. I’ll just have to make it quick.
Easy daycare drop-off this morning was amazing!
The big girls slept in this morning because they took forever to go to sleep last night. I told my husband he and the baby should just go because they were ready and we were far from it. I mean, I was ready, the girls weren’t.
It felt like they were taking forever to actually get out the door this morning. Of course once we got into the car, Ivy had a meltdown because she wanted her blanket. It was in the backpack she was wearing while strapped into her carseat. I said no. She cried about it for a minute but then stopped.
I told the girls when we were leaving the garage that it was 33 minutes later than I wanted to leave the house. I’m not sure if they understood that we were later than usual, but I had the easiest and fastest daycare drop-off this morning. It was awesome.
We walked upstairs, dropped Ivy’s stuff in her room. Walked into the other room. They kissed me and I said goodbye and left.
That was it!
That is not how it normally goes. Usually they tell me several times not to go yet, to wait, whatever. Sadly, the time I made up by dropping them off so quickly was eaten up by not taking the highway this morning. But, I was really happy with the way drop off went.
Maybe I appreciate it more because it’s so rare?

Alone time
I’ve been making a real effort to get alone time lately. And when I say alone time, I mean out of the house. Every week.
Tonight I went to the mall. I was going to return some things I had ordered online. That didn’t work out, but I did get to see a beautiful sunset over the mountains. The sun was going down behind the mountains and the sky was filled with dramatic clouds. I’m not sure I remember the last time I saw a sunset.
I drove home when it was dark. I could see the city glittering all around me. Everywhere I looked I could see lights.
It’s so weird to be out at night now. It’s even kind of weird just to be in the car by myself. And to be the only one making a decision about where I want to go and what I want to do.
Maybe this will sound weird, but it makes me feel young to drive around by myself at night.
I was only gone for about an hour and a half. When I was almost home, I realized I wasn’t quite ready to go back yet. I didn’t want to stop for any kind of drink. I thought about walking around the neighborhood, but that didn’t seem like the right thing either. So I just drove around the neighborhood with the window down for a little bit.
There’s something about not having to hear the bedtime struggles that is different than not participating. It’s just mentally difficult to sit there and hear one of the girls crying, or whatever is happening. So when I have alone time I really like to leave as soon as the big girls are going to bed. It’s nice to get an actual break from that. It’s totally different than it just not being my turn to put them to bed.
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